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Apple Tarte Tatin

img_3598-1Being someone who grew up Greek in Canada, I was taught to celebrate my Greekness without belittling or diminishing anyone else’s culture in the process. My parents came here (Canada) as immigrants and we as Greeks wave our flag but we also enjoy the culture, company and foods of other peoples.

Canada is an officially bilingual nation – French and English. I have enjoyed the regional Quebec cuisine and the homeland French cooking from continental Europe. I prefer the rustic French dishes and I’m particularly fond of Provence and it’s food as it reminds me much of Greek cooking.

One French classic that I recently sought to re-create is the tarte tatin. Last year I made a plum tarte tatin and I enjoyed the dessert alot. This time I took a stab at the classic which uses apples.

Tarte Tatin is the famous upside-down tart that’s caramelized with sugar, water and butter. It was created by two French sisters in what could be France’s most famous kitchen mistake gone wonderfully well!

There are many variations on the original dish which originated in the humble home kitchen but it’s popularity has taken it to the kitchens of most great restaurants.

The tarte should be served warm or at room temperature. If prepared ahead of time, keep in the the cast-iron skillet and just before serving time, place in a hot oven and and re-heat.

Finally, I brushed some heated and strained apricot preserves over a cooled tarte and served it with some cinnamon ice cream. This dessert is simple, an eye-catching treat that will make your family, friends and guests feel right at home or…at a bed & breakfast in Sologne.

Apple Tarte Tatinimg_3561-2

approx. 1 1/2 lbs. of firm, slightly tart apples (I used Royal Gala)

2/3 cup of regular sugar

3oz. of unsalted butter

apricot jam

puff pastry, thawed overnight in the fridge

large cast-iron skillet

lemon juice


Pre-heated 400F oven img_3596-1

  1. Peel the apples, core and cut into thick wedges (I used an apple slicer) and place in a bowl with enough water to cover them and the juice of about 1/ lemon. Treat your cast iron skillet with room temperature butter.
  2. In a small pot, add the sugar and 3 Tbsp. of water and caramelize over medium-low heat. Once the syrup has turned to a copper colour, add your butter and swirl the pan to mix and take off the heat and pour the caramel into your cast-iron skillet.
  3. Take the apples out of the water & lemon bath and quickly drain. Now quickly place the apples wedges in the skillet, so that they are squeezed tightly together. (You want to do this step quickly so that as not to allow the caramel to harden too quickly)
  4. Now place the skillet on a baking sheet (avoid any dripping caramel in oven) in your pre-heated oven (middle rack) and bake for 40-45 minutes. Take the tarte out of the oven and allow the apples to cool a bit. Once cooled, place the puff pastry on top and trim any excess pastry off. Place the tarte once again in a pre-heated oven and  bake for another 30 minutes or until golden brown.
  5. Remove from the oven and allow to cool. In the meantime, add some apricot jam to a small pot and bring to a boil. Take off the heat and pass through a metal sieve to remove any chunks of fruit. Place the strained jam back in the pot and keep warm.img_3575
  6. As soon as your tarte has cooled, place the serving dish on top of the tarte and carefully flip over, so that the apples are facing up. Now brush the apricot jam on the apples to give your tarte an added glaze and another dimension to it’s flavour.img_3599-2
  7. Serve a wedge to each person with some of Holler’s cinnamon ice cream on the side.

If you are not reading this post in a feed reader or at  https://kalofagas.ca then the site you are reading is illegally publishing copyrighted material. Contact me at truenorth67 AT gmail DOT COM. All recipes, text and photographs in this post are the original creations & property of the author.

© 2007-2009 Peter Minakis

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62 Responses

  1. Dear Peter, I hope you are not too mad at me ;D. I haven’t been around for a while, but the smell of your tarta de Manzana arrived to Spain! Mmmmm what a lovely sight :D
    Are you becoming sweeter now? That first shot is shouting for a bite :D

  2. This turned out so beautifully. I think the reason I haven’t tried one before is that most of the others I’ve seen are caramelized beyond recognition. I think you’ve inspired me to give it a try. Finally!

  3. I can’t come look at your blog too often Peter… I get soooo hungry every time I visit ;) This looks delicious! Yum!

  4. This really makes me miss apple season in Indiana. Maybe in 6 months we will have apple picking season (have to get out of 30 degree mornings first).

  5. I have made the plum tatin several times but I know my husband would love the apple one much more. It’s gorgeous as well!

  6. Sounds like you really enjoy the melting pot of cultures available to you where you live! It’s great to be able to celebrate your roots as well as your whereabouts, too! This apple dessert is gorgeous! I would never have guessed that you didn’t place the apples in a pattern! YUM!

  7. Your pictures show up before the words, and you have no idea how hungry I became while looking at these luscious photos while waiting for your verbiage!

  8. My record with tarte tatin? Tarte 2, me 0. One time I unmolded it onto half of the plate (don’t ask about the other half). The other time I unmolded onto the stovetop, without benefit of the plate underneath. No more tarte tatin for me!

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