Home » Appetizer » Iberian Acorn Ham

Iberian Acorn Ham

Last month, just in time for Christmas, my dear friend Nuria of Spanish Recipes sent me a package containing vacuum-sealed Iberian Acorn Ham. For those not in the know, Iberian Acorn Ham is a cured ham which is only produced in Spain the meat comes from free-range hogs that feed on only what’s in the wild, including acorns.

Most of you are familiar with prosciutto but I urge to look for and try a few slices of Iberian ham. It’s flavour can be described as buttery, a slight tang to the taste and a warm, brown finish as it melts in your mouth.

Iberian ham is best served when brought to room temperature and little accoutrement is needed with this fine product.

Here, I cut up some small logs of Greek Manouri cheese, wrapped the ham around it, added some greens for colour and contrast and served this with a pickled cherry pepper from our family’s cellar.

No olive oil is needed here (as the ham is quite oily) but I dressed this appetizer with some lemon zest and freshly cracked black pepper. Don’t forget that in the background stands oneof my mom’s homemade and delicious bread rolls.

Nuria, thank you so much for your generosity, your warm friendship and always delicious food on your blog. I urge all of you to pay a visit to Nuria’s site, tell her “Peter sent ya” and only visit her site on a full stomach, otherwise you’ll be instantly hungry.

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45 Responses

  1. Can you get it there? I don’t think we can here but I was thinking that when I come up there next I will have to get some. Loved the way you presented it!

  2. I was lucky to get some of this delicious Acorn Ham from Nuria and it is really delicious. Lovely combination with manouri.

  3. We recently had our first taste of Iberian ham thanks to the lovely Nuria and it is everything you say. So delicious! Your addition of lemon is a nice touch (and very Greek). Peter, your recent pictures are getting better and better, and make the food look so appetizing!

  4. I like the marriage of Spanish ham and Greek cheese but, mostly, I like the clever addition of lemon zest and pickled pepper for freshness and acidity. And I’m sure mama’s roll was the perfect accompaniment!! P.S. What? No ouzo drizzled somewhere?

  5. I loved how you paired the ham with manouri cheese and pickled tomatoes, brilliant! I have got to try your momma’s rolls!

  6. My daughter is not a proscuitto kind of a gal but she loved he acorn ham. Now we have to order it on line!!

  7. My husband had this ham when he last visited Spain and was talking about it ever since….It sure looks delicious!!!

  8. Thanks so much for the mention, dear Peter :D. I’m just happy seeing that you enjoyed the Ham!

    I wish next year could send you all the whole Ham’s leg ;D and a good knife to cut it… Cutting it well it’s an art!!!!

    A very interesting way to serve it, Chico.

  9. What a fantastic gift! I do love proscuitto, but the jamon iberico is in a totally different class. So sweet and silky!

  10. I haven’t had this before. It certainly looks like something I would enjoy. The ham does look a lot like procuitto. I bet wrapping it around a pork or beef tenderloin would be delicious too.

  11. I write from Barcelona. I am really surprised that people from out of Spain know little about Acorn Ham (jamón serrano de bellota, as we know it here). It´s simply delicious, and considered a delicatessen here. Maybe Parma Ham is better known,but acorn ham is really a piece of heaven. Nuria is very generous, as it is really expensive here! Congratulations! It looks vvvery good.

  12. In the beginning I thought it was proscuitto.
    I can imagine that the combination with manouri was perfect!!
    Have a nice week Peter:))

  13. This look wonderful and tastt Peter, so nice.

    Yesterday I cannoy let you a comment I dont know why!! but I loved the quince pork!!!xxx

  14. Anything wrapped in ham or bacon makes that anything, something! I will have to hunt around to get some of that ham.

  15. That Nuria has been treating the blog world with many spanish goodies! I have enjoyed your post Christmas posts so much, Peter, but I am wondering how you are keeping up with that diet when you have such yummy ham in the house… :-)

  16. I LOVE Iberian ham. I love how you can taste the acorns in it. SO delicious. I wish I could eat it more often!

  17. you can buy (FINALLY) iberico here in the states. it’s only been available here on the bone for about a year. i can’t even believe it used to be so difficult to get. also, it’s worth touting latienda.com for mail-order jamon. it ain’t cheap, though, kids!

  18. Lucky you, This is my kind of nibbling, especially if you throw in some of those fried mushrooms!
    It’s so hard to be good when your surrounded by beautiful food photo’s! I’m weak, I need help!!

  19. “Don’t forget that in the background stands oneof my mom’s homemade and delicious bread rolls.
    ” lol ok well noted Peter!! :-) I love both prosciutto and Iberian ham- and I think you described and utilized the latter very well!

  20. Gotta love this stuff so thin you could almost see through it. It’s so amazing how it almost dissolved in your mouth. So damn good.

  21. I studied in Madrid last year, and actually just got back from a vacation in Spain. I’ve definitely had my share of Iberian ham. It’s incredible stuff! Photo looks great.

  22. Now THAT’S the definition of true friendship – sending somebody jamon Iberico de bellota! There is simply nothing like it – check out the marbling on those babies :)

  23. I’m so jealous! Wish I had a friend who could send me some Iberian acorn ham. Ever since I saw Andrew Zimmern talk about it on his show, I was intrigued.

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