Home » Sauce » Avgolemono Sauce

This creamy sauce has a lemony taste that works wonderfully with most vegetable dishes – casserole and steamed – and is a favourite with stuffed cabbage. Use it to give a special touch to leftovers containing ground meat, rice, or vegetables where the lemon taste will blend.

Avgolemono Sauce

1 cup of hot stock, ladled from the roasted courgettes, dolmades or cabbage rolls or any other stock
2 eggs
juice of 1 lemon
2 heaping Tbsp of flour
2 tbsp of butter
Vegeta seasoning to taste

  1. Using a whisk, mixer or hand blender, whip up your eggs and lemon juice and reserve.
  2. In a sauce pan, melt your butter on medium heat and add your flour, constantly stirring. Your aim is for a light-brown roux. When this colour is achieved, add your stock to the sauce pan and stir for a few minutes to mix and thicken. Take the sauce pan off the heat. Whip up your white sauce and set aside.
  3. Re-whip your egg-lemon mixture and here’s the tricky part. Put your sauce pan back on the element (low heat) and take 1 ladle of egg lemon sauce and s-l-o-w-l-y pour it into your white sauce and simultaneously stir. Continue to slowly add remainder of egg-lemon to white sauce.
  4. Take off the heat, adjust for seasoning and pour half of your Avgolemeno into your casserole and pour the rest in a gravy boat for serving extra sauce at the table.

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