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Cinnamon Rolls, Like the Ones at Cinnabon!

One of the main advantages of blogging is that one comes across a recipe that’s been tested by someone who’s food and tastes you admire.

We’ve all tried out recipes from a newspaper clipping or a food show but the best ones seem to come from friends, relatives, mother, aunts and the alike. Friends from the blogging world are an extension of this food sharing ritual.

I think I have about 200 blogs loaded into my Reader. About a month ago I was excited to see a Cinnamon Roll recipe that looked fabulous, sounded easy to make and a recipe that would keep more of my money in my wallet.

Here in Toronto, we have a franchise that sells Cinnamon Rolls in shopping malls and at some subway stations. The aroma of cinnamon seduces me each and every time. I fork out $5 each time I smell these Cinnamon Rolls.

The combo of milk and butter doesn’t seem to groove well with yeast. After testing this recipe a few times, I’ve found that the best results, that is to say the fluffiest cinnamon rolls, ones that rise and double in size occur when the yeast is added to just the warm milk. Add the melted butter with the other dough ingredients after. That’s my sage advice on cinnamon rolls. When made well, cinnamon rolls are one of life’s simple pleasures: waking up to the aroma of cinnamon wafting up to you bedroom from the kitchen mingled with the smell of brewing coffee. Which one will you be….the one who makes the Cinnamon Rolls and coffee or the one one waiting in bed for breakfast? ;)

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73 Responses

  1. I have just arrived from who knows where…
    delicious, fantastic, yummy….these rolls are the best ones I have ever seen !!!
    I’ll drop by very soon, to keep on reading everything you wrote up to now.
    Regards from Spain

  2. Peter, I have to declare that these cinnamon rolls look AWESOME! In fact, let me know if you are welcoming guests today so I can come by for a coffee and a one of these…

  3. I would get up early for these cinnamon rolls. I can imagine the wonderful cinnamon fragrance throughout the house…better yet I want these served to me in bed…. handmade by my daughter:D

  4. So, now you’re a baker too? Peter, you’re a true Renaissance man!

    Those cinnamon rolls kick some serious butt! They’re one of my favorite things. I actually named my blog after some particularly sticky, gooey, creamy, chewy ones I saw on the Food Network. ;)

  5. Look at you baking My Man! Those cinnamon rolls look so damn good. You need to join the Daring Bakers!

  6. It’s been awhile since I had rolls for breakfast. There’s an idea for breakfast tomorrow. Those rolls look so fluffy and delicious that I’d drive up north right now just to get one. Hehehe

  7. Those Cinnamon Rolls look great!! I really like the idea of adding raisins to the Cinnamon Rolls. I will have to try it next time.

  8. The one thing I wish boulangeries sold in France!!! Argh! I prefer cinnamon rolls a 100 times more then a pain aux raisins…
    I keep telling myself I should make some, but I’m always focused on something else. Wish I could pull one straight out of your photo- they look DELICIOUS!!!

  9. Stunning pictures, Peter. I think I’m going to have to try this recipe next weekend. They look too wonderful to pass up!

  10. Are you referring to “saint Cinnabon”?…I believe those are a chain in Canada/US…yes their aroma is tantalising, however nothing beats the “kanela” aroma wafting through your own home…scrumptious rolls Peter.

  11. Those are NOT cinnamon rolls…They are way beyond that..They are Cinnamon STACKS! LOL! And
    they look fantastic. Great job!

  12. Peter, you have to bake more often! These look amazing and I wish I had a few for my breakfast tomorrow!

  13. So does this mean you’ll be setting up in the subway and selling for $5.50?

    They do look pretty darned amazing…I can’t even go there – just the smell of cinnamon and I start levitating.

  14. I did it folks! I went over and tried one of these delicious rolls and spent the afternoon with Peter and his mother, Chrissanthi, and it was a great time! I want to thank Peter and his mother for welcoming me into their home and showing me some of the legendary Macedonian hospitality!!! I look forward to reciprocating in kind.

  15. Hey – leave the donkey out of it! And could you send some of those over here? – they’d go very nicely with the coffee I’m planning to have shortly…

  16. Hi Peter, as I did my own cinnamon rolls last week (in the way I like – as I do not like so much the mixing of too many different ingredients – e.g. I wouldn’t use the glaze – it is so “american” style the glaze on doughnuts, cinnamon rolls – I appreciate the simplier tastes)… check out on my blog…
    But I am sure you enjoyed yours as they look just perfect.

  17. *crying* Do you see what you’ve done, Peter? You’ve made me cry. Now pass me a tissue, and one of those rolls!!! ;) :)

  18. Wow! Great looking cinnamon rolls! It’s been so long since I made these, you’re photo’s have inspired me to get baking! Cheers!

  19. Hi Pete,

    Sorry it’s been like a ‘century’ since my last visit. I totally agree that’s it’s best to try out all those true and tested recipes out there. Your rolls looks seriously wonderful and wow, $5 for a roll!


  20. I am sitting here with my coffee reading your wonderful blog. These wonderful rolls have me salivating.

  21. Sylvie, baking does not come easy, for me at least. I used the wrong measuring cup 2/3 instead of 1/2 and this recipe was saved only because of my mom’s expertise with dough. I was ready to dump the dough and start over.

    Pilar, thank you for visiting from Espana and welcome!

    Sam, you tasted the goods…not bad eh?

    Val, conveniently send your daughter this recipe (hint-hint).

    Sticky, Renaissance Man? I’ve been called many things by women but never this! lol

    Glam, baby steps..baby steps.

    Ben, I think I’m just 8 hrs. away…get drivin!

    Elly, bake’em for your hubby…he’ll be puddy in your hand for a good while!lol

    Kevin, you’re more than capable of making these.

    Marianna, now you have the means to make your own..remarkably easy recipe. Also, I wish I could give you one too!

    Jan, I still can’t say “Toy-boat” quickly ten times! lol

    Jen, you’ll be well- rewarded.

    Pete…that’s them! They make a killing. That cinnamon aroma gets me and thousands of others each time!

    Marye, lol…they are a wonderful treat to wake up to.

    Aimee, It’s one of my goals to bake more this year…I’m tryin’ mademoiselle!

    Lori Lynn, you betcha!

    Giz, I’d have to undercut the competition…$4.99!

    Sam, again thanks for dropping by. It was a pleasure to have you over and get to know you on a more personal level.

    Forkful…I like donkeys..especially the drunken Burro in Old Havana…he drinks a case of beer on command!

    Janulka, I disagree with you, it’s this American style of Cinnamon rolls that I think are superior. We all have different tastes.

    LOL @ Nikki….hun you know I’d have invited you over if we lived nearby.

    Cake, one cinnamon roll to OZ, PDQ!

    ‘Chase, thanks for visiting and yes…these are worthy baking delights!

    Pixie, it’s okay…it seems you have some things pre-occupying you in your life…in time. Thanks for dropping by….your presence is missed.

    Parker, thanks…try them out, easy recipe…even I made them.

    LOL at Antonia…drooling ain’t so droll is it?

    Gloria, they are delicious and sadly all gone. ;(

  22. Peter those look so good. I used to work in the same office of those cinnamon people when they were first starting out. They tested stuff in there all the time. Lucky for me I love cinnamon rolls. This recipe looks great!

  23. Good LORD. Okay, that does it. Next time we get a heat wave, I’m just say gonna say “F*** your carbon dioxide footprint!” and kick up the AC to Arctic so I can do some baking without passing out. You should not be the only one eating those!!

  24. I imagine picking on one of these buns, starting with the raisins and then slowly work my way down to the sticky bits, with coffee of course.

  25. I have been dying to make those rolls ever since the magazine arrived at my house. Now that I have seen these beauties you’ve baked, Pete, I’m even more anxious to make them too!

  26. I love the smell of these rolls! I have never tried them, for some reason I am intimidated:) But I should give it a try, now that I am encouraged by your post:)Your cinnamon rolls look great!

  27. How come you are not still married? Are Canadian girls out of their minds? You even bake wonderfully!!!! I can smell the cinnamon rolls from here ;-)

  28. Peter, my husband would sell his soul for a bite of these! I’m using this recipe for him this weekend…. he loves these!

  29. Hey! Thanks for the nice mention and link, Peter. Your cinnamon rolls look much prettier than mine did.

    Now I am hungry for them again!!! Long weekend coming up… May have to go for it.

  30. I love this recipe! I did a little bit differently and used whole wheat flour and added a zest of lemon to the cream cheese added a few fresh blackberries that grow wild in British Columbia. Served them warm to family & everyone enjoyed.

  31. Peter – this is not helping me “eat healthy” resolutions that I am working on writing right now!! Perhaps I should add cinnamon rolls to my resolutions some how.

  32. Απίστευτα νόστιμα, τα φτιάχνω κι εγώ συχνά.
    Αυτό που με ενθουσίασε όμως είναι το γλάσο, θα βάλω κι εγώ όταν τα ξαναφτιάξω!
    Καλές Γιορτές Peter, με υγεία!

  33. Tienes toda la razón, es una delicia visitar blogs y aprender de las experiencias de los demás….ahora soy yo la que me beneficio con tu estupenda versión de los rollos de canela :D gracias!!!
    Felices fiestas!!

  34. Hi Peter, this may be a silly question, but do you let the rolls rise room temperature overnight or in the fridge? Just checking… don’t want to wake up to a monster dough ;-) I plan to try these when I get back to Toronto from holidays… I think I’ll set up shop somewhere with these… thanks for your great recipes and reviews… yours is the site I go to all the time…

  35. Wow, that was a lot of comments to get through! :) Looks like these are a popular one! Cinnamon rolls – how festive can you get? Cinnamon aromas mean Christmas to me. We’re drinking mulled wine over the Christmas period and there’s always a stick of cinnamon in the pan with the wine. :) The question is, am I brave enough to attempt these? We love to cook but we’re far from experienced bakers! :)

  36. I would definitely be the one in the kitchen, not in the bed.
    They look amazing Peter. Merry Christmas to you and wishing you and your family a wonderful New Year.

  37. Petaaahhh! That looks so freakin’ incredible i want to roll myself in it. I may still have some remaining dog instincts from a previous life. Needless to say I’m saving this recipe. Hope you’re having a good holiday!

  38. These look wonderful Peter…I also make the same recipe but I add an extra egg for richness…they are great, in fact I promised my son I would make them again tomorrow!

  39. OMG, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Cinnabon! there is one in my building at work and it is SSSSOOOOOOO hard to stay away from it!
    I cannot wait to try these out!

  40. I am seduced by the Cinnabon shops every time and have tried a couple of recipes hoping to mimic them but they have yet to satisfy. Maybe if I pretend I’m shopping and exhausted and pass by my kitchen when these are ready it would help?!

    They look wonderful and are now on our breakfast menu for New Year’s Day! Thanks.

  41. Peter, you are a baaaaad influence! I will, of course, make these and give them all to my kids who are visiting. I won’t eat even one. Yeah, right. These are gorgeous and seductive and I’m going to go purchase a bag of flour.

  42. Wow could these be any more tempting? Yes, if they were on my kitchen counter right now. This is a must try recipe for the future – and it would be me making it in the kitchen at this point sadly.

  43. YES YES YES PLEASE!!! I want, Peter, and want one now! Fabulous, just fabulous, and I’ll try your version of this wonderful recipe. Who doesn’t absolutely love a great cinnamon bun?

  44. I just found this rite , awesome job Peter I’m having fun looking at all the wonderful food. You are indeed an artist.

  45. Hi from cyprus. I backed theese cinnamon rolls two times now and no one can believe that i make them :). Thank you!

      1. I halved everything. The inside twirl was amazing, but the outer most hardened a bit. I guess I’ll just have to try the entire recipe for the perfect outcome :)
        But whatever the case, this was my first try and my very first recipe, Thanks loads :)
        I bet I’ll do better next time.

  46. Peter hello from Greece..
    I just made these amazing cinnamon (exactly like cinnabon!) and we were thrilled !!!
    This is the best recipe ever !!! Thanks for sharing it !!!
    Congratulations to everything you do!!
    Happy holidays and Merry Christmas !

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